The Hunter Joint Organisation (HJO) is a collaborative body that brings together the ten councils in the region to provide a united and local voice for our communities.
Events10 is an events marketing initiative by HJO that provides event managers with information and resources to make hosting their event in this beautiful region easy and attractive. Along with a comprehensive list of venues and experiences available within the region, the website also provides event planners with a comprehensive guide and a range of handy templates to make organising your event easier.
The NSW Government has also released the Event Starter Guide to help event planners with their planning and navigate the many issues associated with organising events. This guide is ideal for outlining the event’s aims and objectives, target audience, required permits and licenses, event plans and feasibility.

Download the NSW Government’s Event Starter Guide to understand the process of organising an event and how to navigate the challenges.

Download the Event 10’s Event Planning Guide to find a step by step process and all things to consider when planning your event.

From Event Management Plans through to post event surveys, there are a range of ready made templates available from Events 10.