Suggested Itineraries

Looking for ideas for your next trip to Maitland? Check out a range of popular itineraries here.

Travelling with a pet

Travelling to Maitland with your four legged friend in tow? Why not check out this itinerary that is full of businesses and activities that you can do without leaving them behind.

Maitland’s Art Trail

Maitland is a city rich in arts, heritage, and culture. Be prepared to be inspired by creativity with this art trail that features multiple galleries, community art spaces and murals.

Maitland Taste

Maitland Taste is on 17 to 19 May 2024, with the best selection of local food, wine and produce on offer. Check out this itinerary to make the most of your time in Maitland during the festival.

Think you have an itinerary that people would love? Create your ultimate Maitland itinerary using the trip planner and send it to [email protected] for a chance to have your itinerary featured on our website.

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